When in Lourdes, visit "Little Lourdes" - a micro-town in the heart of the city, which, surrounded by greenery, allows you to take a breath and relax after intensive sightseeing. A visit to this charming miniature park is a unique history lesson for all pilgrims and tourists visiting Lourdes, regardless of age.
Read moreNovember has arrived. One of those less pleasant months of the year – the days are getting shorter, it is cold and dark. November days will certainly brighten up our evenings spent at home, under a blanket, with a cup of warm cocoa, brightened by the glow of candles. Exactly – candles. Where did the tradition of burning them actually come from? Have you ever wondered about it?
Read morePic du Jer is said to offer the best view of Lourdes. But how to get there? The most persistent ones enter on foot. In this case, you must definitely wear comfortable shoes. However, there is another way - you can go to the top by funicular. This unique means of transport is over 100 years old and works flawlessly, bringing joy to subsequent generations of residents and tourists! Ready for a ride?
Read moreThis year, a unique Europe Day celebration took place in Lourdes, organized by the City of Lourdes and the Blue Star Association. A large group from Częstochowa took part in this great celebration of Europe. There were concerts, meetings with authors, discussion panels and film screenings. See our report from this event.
Read moreIn recent days, young people from Lourdes and Altötting - participants of the project "Citizens of Europe today and tomorrow" - visited Częstochowa. This was the next phase of the project that, initiated by Lourdes, was continued first in Altötting and now in Częstochowa. Once again, young people met to talk about their most important issues, i.e. the climate crisis, new technologies and European identity.
Read more"Que soy era Immaculada councepciou" - "I am the Immaculate Conception" - these words were spoken by Our Lady in Lourdes to Bernadette Soubirous in 1858, changing the history of a small town at the foot of the Pyrenees and making it one of the most important pilgrimage centers in the Catholic world. Currently, approximately 5 million pilgrims come here every year to ask Mary for healing of their soul and body.
Read moreEvery year Shrines of Europe emphasize the uniqueness of the holiday season. Christmas fairs are organized and interesting cultural and entertainment events are presented for residents, pilgrims and tourists in all the sanctuary towns. Today we want to tell you about some of them. Because it's always worth being with Shrines of Europe, but especially now - during this special Christmas time.
Read moreDid you know that according to legend, in the 13th century, the holy house of Mary was moved from Palestine to Italy on angel wings? If this were true, this flight would be the first transport flight in the history of the world! And over what distance - the road from Palestine to Italy is over 2,200 km. But of course, when you are an angel, anything is possible.
Read moreTourists and pilgrims come to Lourdes mainly to pray in front of the statue of Our Lady, who appeared to Bernadette in the nearby grotto of Massabielle, and to draw water from the spring, which is credited with miraculous healing properties...
Read moreIt would be a really great idea to go to one of the Shrines of Europe cities on two wheels...
Read moreOn May 27, the opening of the photography exhibition "Shrines of Europe - the path of culture and spirituality" took place.
Read moreWelcome to the new website of the Shrines of Europe Association, where you will find information about the cities - sanctuaries of Europe - the most important centers of Marian worship on the Old Continent.
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